OCT: SAT 5th, FRI 11th, THUR 24th, TUE 29th : 6:30PM
Service Description
Welcome to the HUNTED BALL!! A fancy yet haunted dinner affair. The music plays like the ball is still on even though the palace had been long gone abandoned. The empty fancy yet spooky dining tables are awaiting you. Will you be joining our ball? Costumes and masks welcomed. BYOB allowed. WHAT WILL YOU MAKE: Appetizer: **THE FORGOOTEN AFFAIR** - Choice of crab or chicken meat. Luxurious Crab cakes cooked in perfection in garlic oil. Topped off with spinach and shrimp la creme. With delicious secret sauce. Main Dish: **LET THE BALL BEGIN** - Fresh fettucine, organic chicken marinaded in red French wine served in a creamy tomato basil sauce with fresh herbs, garlic and truffle infusion. Sprinkled with mozzarella & parm blend. Let this dish wow you with flavor! Served with pepper&garlic butter bread. Dessert: **THE CROWNING** - Fresh minced apple, in a vanilla creme served with caramel fudge sauce, whipped cream and white chocolate.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation must not exceed 7 Days for full refund. If need to reschedule we allow free rescheduling withing 24h prior the event.
Contact Details
5601 Corporate Way, West Palm Beach, FL, USA